Quantimetrics provides a range of objective assessment against peers, competitors and suppliers underpinned by analytics, real benchmarks and industry data. Performance indicators include cost effectiveness, productivity, quality and conformance.
Quantimetrics owns the largest validated and calibrated benchmark database covering project and application data spanning thousands of projects from hundreds of organisations.
Optimise software projects
Application or Software development is regarded as risky, due in part to the poor track record that development teams have in terms of delivering to agreed commitments.
Business executives often judge the success or failure of projects by their conformance to planned schedule and budget. Other measures are also becoming increasingly important in the light of high demand for new applications and improvements to older ones. The ability to effectively support new and enhanced business capabilities has become a key strategic differentiator.
One of the challenges facing most CIOs today is how to transform their systems delivery capabilities and in so doing demonstrate quicker, cheaper, improved quality and ultimately greater value to their stakeholders. To remain competitive, businesses need to be assured that their IT capabilities are indeed as good or better than those of their competitors.
Strategies for improvement often rely on a combination of outsourcing, up-skilling, the adoption of Agile approaches and at time the reliance on the latest technologies. These do not always yield the desired or expected results.
The key questions that need to be answered include:
- What are the key metrics that we should use to objectively gauge our software delivery projects?
- How efficient are our software development projects?
- Which projects are more or less efficient than others and what can we attribute these variances to?
- Have we improved over time?
- How do we compare to our competitors?
- Do we need to focus our attention on speeding up delivery, reducing cost and/or improving quality?
- What quantifiable targets can we set for improvements?
- Are we making unrealistic commitments to our business sponsors?
- Is our budget for our next key project adequate or overstated?
QuantiMetrics provides a well proven methodology and a participative structured service whereby we collect data, analyse it and compare it to unparalleled industry intelligence to help CIOs answer the above questions and to underpin improvement strategies.
Our assessment and benchmarking service is a powerful tool for companies that wish to master the types of projects they most frequently undertake. It helps gauge the efficiency of in-house and/or outsourced projects against peer projects and the best in the industry worldwide.
Our clients partner with QuantiMetrics to underpin their improvement journeys.
Assure project success
Projects and programs aim to support the achievement of competitive advantage, improve efficiencies and underpin innovation. Unfortunately project costs often outweigh the benefits that they bring and too frequently these benefits are realised later than promised, if at all. This is the challenge faced by programme directors, CIOs and sponsors of such projects.
To add to this challenge, requirements are often ill defined and in flux and business deadline unrealistic.
The key questions that need to be answered include:
- Are we over promising?
- Do we have the capability and capacity to achieve the objectives within the time-frame?
- Should our plans be reshaped?
- Do we require more budget?
- Can our suppliers (either in-house or external) demonstrate a track record of delivery that will give us the confidence to accept their forecasts?
QuantiMetrics provides a practical and fact-based due-diligence service aimed at answering these questions and helping our clients to commit to realistic forecasts or cost and schedule. It identifies probability of successful delivery against time, budget and quality targets and proposes alternative scenarios with higher likelihoods of success.
Using data from thousands of projects, we are able to provide a realistic framework of the scheduling, planning, costs and risks associated with almost any project. Our analysis, based on real world information, helps our clients to negotiate with vendors who have put forward either optimistic or exaggerated bids.
Project Sizing
Software delivery does not depend of traditional bills of material, but it does rely on effective cost management in the achievement of economic value. Companies undertaking significant IT projects should be acutely aware of the risks. Software professionals need to embrace the principles of quantity surveying. One of the most important measures is project size. Size is often synonymous with utility required or indeed functional richness or complexity. Quantimetrics calculates size using an international standard called Function Point Analysis, an ISO standard.
The key questions that need to be answered include:
- How can you manage a project if you don’t know how big it is?
- How do you know what it should cost if you don’t have a grip on its size?
- How large or complex is the project and how much should it cost?
- Is the cost appropriate, given the agreed scope/size?
Quantimetrics provides the following professional services:
- Software sizing using FPA based on requirements or scope definition
- Provision of cost and timeline estimates for planned or in progress projects
- Quantitative review of project costs
- Dispute resolution relating to cost or scope creep on software projects
- Training on the FPA methodology