Quantifying and sizing software delivery
Successful software delivery relies on effective cost management in the achievement of economic value. How can you manage a project if you don’t know how big it is? How do you know what it should cost if you don’t have a grip on its size? This article introduces Function Point Analysis (FPA), and ISO endorsed methodology for sizing software.
Demonstrating Value for Money
One of the challenges facing most CIOs today is how to demonstrate greater value to their stakeholders, while delivering quicker, cheaper and with improved quality. Proficient CIOs should be able to routinely and objectively judge whether the business is getting value for money for the software it procures and uses, to support its business operations and goals. This article explores unit cost benchmarking to determine whether systems spend reflects value for money.
Programme Assurance Benchmark
Programme and project execution requires strong leadership skills with appropriate governance providing and “outer skin” that keeps project management processes honed. This article argues that projects cannot be governed to success and that sensible value management practices should be used to identify the real issues and systemic remediations.
Embracing process automation to survive and thrive at a time of crises
The speed at which companies implement their digital strategies is often too slow and does not keep pace with the structural shifts that affect their industries. Successful disruptors move quickly from concept to scale. The global pandemic has forced many companies to rapidly accelerate their digital agenda to support the new ways of work for employees and the evolving demands of customers.
Cloud hosted process automation
By integrating cloud technologies with robotics-enabled automation, businesses will be able to deploy their experts to analysing the data rather than cranking the handle to produce that data. These technologies, along with and analytics powered by big data, are key elements in the new industrial revolution. This article discusses a how process and as service is mitigating key person dependency and reducing turnaround time.
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